Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vandelay Desgin is a cool website I came across when looking for poster ideas. It is great for getting ideas for web and graphic design alike! For example it shows 35+ websites with minimal color or 50 different navigation bars! Very handy about now wouldn't you say! Check it out...there are loads of cool posts!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It is that time of year!

As we near December I can't help but be distracted by online shopping!  Not really being able to one stop shop in Dublin has me relaying on the web for shopping more than ever.  Even now as I was doing research for a paper, I catch myself taking breaks to look at clothing store's websites!  Okay I admit maybe I was doing some shopping for myself!  Things I'm not afraid to purchase via the web are clothes from Forever 21, books, and bedding...I'm a bit unsure of anything else really! I feel I need to see and touch most other things first!  What do you buy online? I'm curious!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chrome vs Firefox

So I've downloaded the browsers Google Chrome and Firefox.  I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like best.  Chrome is hands down the fastest, which I love being a busy Grad student.  With Firefox I'm liking the extras like Zotero and the website design toolbar.  I'm curious to get other opinions.  Which browser do you like the best?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is a website that I am basing my research paper on for Research Methods. It is a very cool website with big names behind it. There is a really cool 3D visualization tool available where you literally can design your home yourself using the technology. From paint or wallpaper to your sofa to the placement of windows, mydeco really allows the user lots of options. After the space is designed you can then purchase everything you have put in the space. With suppliers from Ikea to Laura Ashley there is a wide spread of product with low to high price points. It will be interesting to see if sites like this really take off. Consumers are very apprehensive about purchasing home items via the web, so what can mydeco do to gain customer trust and get people buying?!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ruairi Murphy's Website!

So I decided to check out Ruairi's website to see how he would design his own site. Looks good Ruairi! Very to the point and it shows off your work nicely! I like the little static box at the top!

This weekend I'm headed to Edinburgh so hopefully I'll get some good photos for the Visual Communications class!

Also downloaded Zotero to my laptop and it really is a cool tool! Hope everyone is using it for their Research Methods class!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Kinda reminds me of Edinburgh!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Design blogs!

I came across this blog for Interior Designers while researching for my documentary! Cool site! I never realized just how many people are blogging and the useful information that they can often provide! Loved this renovated church! Also I visited the Brown Thomas website and found it horrible to use! It wasn't a very easy site to use and I ended up doing like Ruairi said people do and clicked out before I'd seen a thing! Probably for the better anyway.... what a site like Brown Thomas is selling...this student shouldn't be buying!

Anyway Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well I was very surprised that my choice of fonts for this site does not include Helvetica!!! Shocking! I liked the documentary. It really mad me aware of just how much Helvetica is used! I have to say I like it as well. I have always love the Crate and Barrel signage and it is...take a wild guess....HELVETICA! I think of the dishes and furniture etc. in Crate and Barrel to be very classic and I see the font in this light as well. Also Gap seems quite classic as far as clothing style goes and they use Helvetica in their ads, signage, etc. Helvetica even goes high fashion with signage for Fendi! Who knew?!

My only issue with it is seeing Helvetica on a lovely crate and barrel add and thinking about beautiful dishes....and then seeing Helvetica on a sign pointing out a toilet...just takes a bit of the class out of it for me.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ace Hotel Website

I love the home page of this site. All of the images give a sense about the area while still focusing on the interiors of the hotel. It tells a story with the images and isn't your typical hotel website. It has character! Together the images and fonts look great! The only font I'm not crazy about it the font along the side that says Ace Hotel. I would have put that in the grid in a font like the others in the grid. Anyway maybe I'll get to stay in this place one day!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My first Weblog

As a Graduate student at Griffith College Dublin studying Applied Digital Media, this is my blog to keep up with the world of Internet design and anything related!

I first got interested in web design when my former company took to revamping their web page. We got to work hand in hand with the man creating the site for us. He really didn't have much experience in web design, but knew how to get the page up and running.

Helping to put this site together really spiked my interest in web design.