Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well I was very surprised that my choice of fonts for this site does not include Helvetica!!! Shocking! I liked the documentary. It really mad me aware of just how much Helvetica is used! I have to say I like it as well. I have always love the Crate and Barrel signage and it is...take a wild guess....HELVETICA! I think of the dishes and furniture etc. in Crate and Barrel to be very classic and I see the font in this light as well. Also Gap seems quite classic as far as clothing style goes and they use Helvetica in their ads, signage, etc. Helvetica even goes high fashion with signage for Fendi! Who knew?!

My only issue with it is seeing Helvetica on a lovely crate and barrel add and thinking about beautiful dishes....and then seeing Helvetica on a sign pointing out a toilet...just takes a bit of the class out of it for me.


Ruairi said...

Are you saying Helvetica is not classy!!!

Joanna said...

No Noooo I like Helvetica! I guess it is just interesting that Fendi and Public Toilets choose to use the same font! Says a lot for the font I think!